Okay, Canton Rotarians! It's once again time for our annual Pancake Breakfast and Pick Your Prize Raffle on Saturday March 19th. As you should know, this popular event raises substantial dollars for our Canton Rotary Charitable Fund and the many civic groups and activities that this fund supports.
 The Pancake Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and milk. In addtion to the food, the Cleveland Indian’s mascot, Slider, will be there for a meet and greet, the McKinley Jazz Band will play, and “Star Wars” characters from the Ohio Garrison of the 501st Legion and the Rebel Legion will be available for photo opportunities throughout the day.
We are encouraging all members to help make this event a ROUSING SUCCESS again this year.
Here's how you can help:
1) Buy your Pancake Breakfast tickets! This year we are asking you to pay for ONLY $50 worth of tickets, as opposed to twice that amount in previous years (the Canton Rotary Oktoberfest has picked up a lot of the slack in our fundraising!) If you did not get your tickets at the meeting last week, please call Lauri or Barb at the Rotary office at 330-452-2882 to make arrangements to pick yours up or have them brought to a meeting.
2) Volunteer to help on March 19th! You might not think flipping pancakes, or serving breakfast, or pouring juice, or cleaning and bussing tables would be fun.....but it IS! Especially when you are hangin' with your fellow Rotarians! Sign up sheets will be available at our regular meetings. Please note that we will also need help with set-up on Friday 3/18/16 after 3 PM. We'd love to have ALL Canton Rotarians join us on March 19th!
3) Donate a prize or two for the Pick-Your-Prize Raffle! This raffle has been very successful, but, of course, we need prizes donated to keep it that way. Items you might consider include sports tickets, vacation rentals, gift baskets, wine baskets, restaurant gift cards or other gift cards, or new, unused merchandise you might have at work or at home (hey, it's not re-gifting if you donate it to a good cause, right?) You can bring your donations to our weekly meetings.
So, Canton Rotarians, step up and help us with this fund- and friend-raiser. Thanks!