Posted by Rick Taylor on Mar 29, 2021
At our Zoom meeting on March 26, 2021, President Drew Pelger opened the meeting by welcoming a total of 34 Canton Rotarians (live at John's Bar and also via Zoom), as well as our guest speaker,  Stark County Prosecuting Attorney, Kyle Stone.
Becky Clark asked Rotarians to keep Paula Mastroianni and her husband, Danny, in their prayers, then presented the following information:
Interesting historical facts for the day:
  • 1953 Dr Jonas Salk announced a polio vaccine has been used safely in clinical trials, 2 years later every child in the US was vaccinated.
  • 1966 Large scale anti-Vietnam war protests broke out across our country.
  • 1977 Focus on the Family is founded by Dr. James Dobson
  • 2018 E-commerce group Alibaba and the Ford Co. unveiled the first car vending machine, 5 stories high, in China.
Rotary Fun Facts:
In 1911, Paul Harris gave Chelsea Perry a budget of $25.44 to complete a daunting task: to mimeograph and mail a new publication, The National Rotarian, to 2000 Rotarians in the 23 clubs nationwide.
Becky Clark also received "Happy Bucks" from PP Rick Taylor, PDG/PP Dave Ewing, Sam Shaheen and Bruce Schorsten.
President Drew made the following announcements:
  • Thanked Program Chair, Sue Marzano, for the great line-up of speakers for the month of March.
  • This year's golf outing is scheduled for June 18, 2021 at The Sanctuary Golf Club.
  • Next month's speakers will be presenting their programs in-person at John's Bar and Grille.
President-Elect Mark Clendenin gave an updated report on the following:
  • The 2020-21 Annual Charitable Fund Drive (editor's note: Please give!);
  • The 2021-2022 Committee Structure (editor's note: Please volunteer!);
  • The 2020-21 Unevent Raffle (editor's note: Please buy tickets when available!).